ANIME ANIME Ep7 “ONE PUNCH MAN” Animation Parody Humor

Our hero suggests he knows something about Anime, Broly and Dragonball Z ANIME! ANIME! Meet Jazen. The most enthusiastic fan of Anime you’ll ever know! He somehow finds himself meeting up with all of his Anime idols. He tries to have a conversation with them, but his fast talking, annoying, ADHD personality always gets in the way. One-Punch Man (Japanese: ワンパンマン, Hepburn:...

CUT IT OUT Episode 1 Animated short

CUT IT OUT is short comedy bits inspired by Short Films, Monty Python, Terry Gilliam, Robot Chicken, Adult Swim and independent animation from the 1960s and 1970s into the 1990s. Directed by Frank Forte Written and Voiced by Frank Forte, Abby Schachner, Beth Musgrave Goon Cartoons' original animated properties include: Buck Billy, Cletus and Floyd, Cosmic Kandi, Tuckertime, Ronnie The Magical...


Directed and animated by Frank Forte The Ultra Mega Super Squad, a reality show styled Super hero documentary. This animated dysfunctional group of superheroes may be able to do some good for the earth, if they could only stop talking behind each others backs. Featuring: Captain Fantastic, Gamma Woman, Disgruntled Man, Inferna, Electro Guy, Ms. Mechanika and ShadowStar THE ULTRA MEGA SUPER SQUAD...